Installing single-node CouchDB in Fedora Linux from sources

Installing single-node CouchDB from sources in Fedora Linux 

Installing dependencies

sudo dnf install autoconf autoconf-archive automake \
    curl-devel erlang-asn1 erlang-erts erlang-eunit \
    erlang-os_mon erlang-xmerl help2man \
    js-devel-1.8.5 libicu-devel libtool perl-Test-Harness

Create and go to temporary folder:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
Download CouchDB 2.0 sources:
Extract files here:
tar zxvf apache-couchdb-2.0.0.tar.gz
go to unpacked directory
cd apache-couchdb-2.0.0
You should see next message:
You have configured Apache CouchDB, time to relax. Relax.
Make release of CouchDB make release
... done

    You can now copy the rel/couchdb directory anywhere on your system.
    Start CouchDB with ./bin/couchdb from within that directory.
Now copy ./rel/couchdb to /opt/ folder
sudo cp -R rel/couchdb /opt/
Create CouchDB system user
sudo adduser --system \
--no-create-home \
--shell /bin/bash \
-U \
-c "CouchDB Administrator" \
Set permissions
sudo find /opt/couchdb -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \;
Set permissions to config files
sudo chmod 0644 /opt/couchdb/etc/*
Set ownership:
sudo chown -R couchdb:couchdb /opt/couchdb
To start server use command:
sudo -i -u couchdb /opt/couchdb/bin/couchdb

Try to open in your browser




You should see Fauxton web-interface, for each link: first for database management and second for node management.

But do not change anything before read post about configuration.

Now we are have installed and working single node CouchDB 2.0 instance. In the terminal you can see some warnings and errors, but it is normal, because database not configured and you have not admins, this is Admin Party. Everyone can do anything.

In the next post we will create and configure system service for our installation of CouchDB.


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