


I started series of posts about building and using clusters of CouchDB nodes inside Docker containers. I will try to make this series in logical steps from installing environment of operation system, building and using Docker images and containers, configuring interaction of nodes, automating deployment and securing clusters, and then I will go to data processing technologies, using Map-Reduce principle, replications, synchronization and using more complex layouts like big clusters, multiple clusters in one system and clusters inside Kubernetes cluster. Also, after covering previous points I plan to add series of posts about using CouchDB clusters as back-end of Elixir lang and Phoenix framework.

If someone will read this blog or found it useful, I will be glad to any responses and your wishes about questions what was covered. Also, you can write me topics what you want to see covered in the future.


In this chapter I will add plan and links to finished posts in logical queue from start and will add step by step aspects of working with this cluster.

Orienting plan:

  1. Configurations overview and diagrams
  2. Installing dependencies and environment
    1. ...
  3. Building, installing and configuring Docker images and containers
    1. Installing Docker
    2. Building CouchDB 2.0 Docker Image
    3. ...
  4. Single node and basics
    1. Installing single-node CouchDB instance from sources in Fedora Linux
    2. Creating and configuring system daemon
    3. Configuring CouchDB node
    4. Closing Admin Party, creating admin and configuring OAuth 1.0 in config file
    5. Configuring OAuth 1.0 authentication using _users database
    6. Creating server administrator, users and configuring authentication types
    7. Creating _security object of DB
  5. Clusters and advanced
    1. Creating Docker containers with nodes of cluster
    2. Configuring nodes to work inside cluster
    3. Connecting nodes into cluster
    4. Configuring docker network
    5. Bash scripts for containers management
    6. Configuring OAuth 1.0 authentication inside cluster
  6. Databases and documents
    1. Create database and document
    2. Versions and revisions
  7. Big cluster, with more than 8 nodes
    1. Creating cluster of ten nodes
    2. Sharding
    3. Replication
    4. Concurrent requests
    5. Dedicating data inside one cluster
  8. Two clusters with three nodes inside each
    1. Kubernetes cluster


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