Configuring OAuth 1.0 authentication using config file
Configuring OAuth 1.0 authentication using config file
Go to http://localhost:5986/_utils and find section httpd(not chttpd), there change value of field bind from to
Close Admin Party, by creating database admin.
curl -X PUT -d '"supersecret"'There is admin is username and "supersecret" is password, it is writing to config section admins. In feature posts I will show how to create users in database _users
All correct responses from couchdb after writing to config file looks like this(don't know why not :ok):
Execute next command four times:
< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-2048} | sha256sum
and you will get four SHA256 digests
Consumer key: "6ab4ddd1ce65f6381cef17e0fbfefd66757440488530275fc085b51edb06f834",
Consumer secret: "a723486eaaac5906a834b19881961a36865f43aa560b8d5877ace1d771e6ddd4",
Token: "f4e4ef1e10be83fa872c24cd52f116671c9da29dc54273caa2b22190d2df9712",
Token secret: "d45c84d26c56af1e02ea20e400c4f78e90c3caa1f9600e20199f8418112b9260"
So let's send required configuration requests:
Create consumer key and secret
curl -X PUT http://admin:supersecret@ -d '"a723486eaaac5906a834b19881961a36865f43aa560b8d5877ace1d771e6ddd4"'
Create consumers token and secret:
curl -X PUT http://admin:supersecret@ -d '"d45c84d26c56af1e02ea20e400c4f78e90c3caa1f9600e20199f8418112b9260"'
Map token to our admin:
curl -X PUT http://admin:supersecret@ -d '"admin"'
OAuth configured.
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