Create database and document

Create database and document

You can to do these actions using Fauxton, by url http://<address of any node in cluster>:5984/_utils or using HTTP requests. I will not describe Fauxton, cause it's very simple and user-friendly tool, so we will do this actions using HTTP requests and curl:

Create database:

curl -X PUT


Get database info:

curl -X GET


List all databases. Send this request to each node:

curl -X GET

curl -X GET

curl -X GET

You will see that database was created on each node of cluster and will be accessible from any node.

Earlier I have created a database named test, let's delete it:

curl -X DELETE

Database test was deleted from other nodes, too.

Create product related document.

Request CouchDB server to generate UUID, that we will use as ID of our document:

curl -X GET


If you need more IDs add count=<number> as parameter in request, where number is count of UUIDs max value is 1000 per request:

curl -X GET


PUT our document to database, document data represented as JSON:

curl -X PUT -d '{"name":"RaspberryPI", "ICU": "RP-00001","description":"Small and almost cool computer", "Price": "$35"}'


Developers of CouchDB recommends to check, that your document was really saved. I think it is related to distributed structure of database and may have places situations when some nodes can not be accessible from others. So, let's check:

curl -X GET

{"_id":"1838ea4502e4f497a7a3e84917000e34","_rev":"1-af1e308dcc6ac6e948aca3402b39037f","name":"RaspberryPI","ICU":"RP-00001","description":"Small and almost cool computer","Price":"$35"}

All fine, document was created. But I have made an errors: instead SKU I've added ICU and haven't added space between "Raspberry" and "Pi", so lets edit this document in the next post.


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